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드라이버 사용 기간 제한 하기! (시간 함수 사용) 본문


드라이버 사용 기간 제한 하기! (시간 함수 사용)

smdy0426 2013. 7. 21. 09:00

#define TwoSeconds (2*1000*1000*10)

#define AlmostTwoSeconds (TwoSeconds - 1)

NTSTATUS HJGetTime( CSHORT LimitYear, CSHORT LimitMonth )


        LARGE_INTEGER Time;

        TIME_FIELDS TimeFields;


        //  Get the current system time, and map it into a time field record.


        KeQuerySystemTime( &Time );

        ExSystemTimeToLocalTime( &Time, &Time );



        //  Always add almost two seconds to round up to the nearest double second.


        Time.QuadPart = Time.QuadPart + AlmostTwoSeconds;

        (VOID)RtlTimeToTimeFields( &Time, &TimeFields );



        //  Now simply copy over the information


         DbgPrint( "Year:%d, Month:%d, Day:%d \n", TimeFields.Year, TimeFields.Month, TimeFields.Day );

         if( (TimeFields.Year > LimitYear) || (TimeFields.Month > LimitMonth) )


              return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; 



         return STATUS_SUCCESS;

